Ertofra Frases Apps

Status Messages to Instagram 2.0
The best quotes for your profile page orstatus or to share with friends. Choose one of the phrases and sendit to your friends, girlfriend or boyfriend. Download this free appand find the best quotes that will make you happy; pretty and cuteinspiring quotes about love, the best quotes from famous authors,positive motivational quotes to reflect on and make you think,funny phrases and jokes that will make you smile, friendship quotesto send to your friends, funny sentences to laugh with your groupof friends or to put it as your status or mood.Choose one of the sentences or thoughts we have to offer andsend it to friends loved ones. This is the best application withquotes and sentences to share.Set up your mood or status and those people who care about youthe most will react quickly and hear what you have to say. Changedaily your status or profile text so that all people know how happyyou are or see what imagination you have just by putting a newphrase every day.App with quotes with deep meaning for sharp thoughts or to makeyou think, find your phrase of the day. This application can beused to meditate and appreciate everything you have and everythingthat a man cares about, because it contains many phrases forconsideration and thoughts, quotes and sayings, quotes about life,reflections and beautiful phrases, witty statements, well-knownstatements and also philosophical and witty proverbs or thoughts ofgreat men.A quick and easy to use application and always there whenneeded. Scroll the phrases with your finger, you can share thepicture, save it to favorites and enjoy your favorite quotesanytime you want, also choose the most appropriate messages foreach moment of your life or you can save it in the image gallery ofyour phone if you click save button.LEGAL NOTE: All images in this application were expressly madefor it and all their rights are reserved. For some of them, we usedimages of public domain from the internet, since they are notidentified by symbols or other information indicating the existenceof exploitation rights reserved. Others have been designed by thecompany.Any natural or legal person who owns any of the images containedin it, may credit it via email to the developer, and we commit totake them down immediately after verification of the ownership ofthe images.
Romantic Picture Love Messages 2650
Download for free the best love words inSpanish or English to share. Send them to the people you care themost about and tell them that you love them. Surprise your partnerwith romantic love quotes with lovely pictures and nice lovemessages.Discover the most beautiful love words, pick-up lines, quotes toflirt, compliments, quotes to say “I love you”, about falling inlove, to win that special someone’s heart, to make that boy youfancy or that girl you have a crush on laugh and finally to expressyourself.Features:• Special love quotes, romantic love words, quotes said by worldknown writers are in this app.• Surprise your partner by sending them these love quotes for himor her.• In this compilation you will also find love quotes, heartbreakquotes, original and romantic quotes to use as pick up lines• If you enjoyed our app, please rate it because it helps improvingthem. Thanks!• Install the app for free and share it on Facebook, Whatsapp,Twitter, text message or any other program on your phone.LEGAL NOTE: All images in this application were expressly madefor it and all their rights are reserved. For some of them, we usedimages of public domain from the internet, since they are notidentified by symbols or other information indicating the existenceof exploitation rights reserved. Others have been designed by thecompany.Any natural or legal person who owns any of the images contained init, may credit it via email to the developer, and we commit to takethem down immediately after verification of the ownership of theimages.
Smart quotes about friendship 15.7.31
We've selected the best friendship quotes inEnglish. Download this app for free and send them to your friends.Tell them how much you appreciate them!All friendships are important, that is why we should take careof them. You have the chance to tell them how much you love themwith these selected phrases. It’s important to be honest amongfriends. In Friendship Quotes, you’ll find inspiration to rememberthe good times, beautiful and funny quotes, and many friendshipstories you can relate to. The words you are so embarrassed to sayout loud are right here!Download the app and have fun with your friends. Share thecontents or the app itself via any program on your phone. If youliked the app, please rate is. It helps us improve. Thanks!LEGAL NOTE: All images in this application are expressly madefor her and all rights are reserved. For background images, we haveused images which are in the public domain from internet, sincethey are not identified by symbols or other information indicatingthe existence of exploitation rights reserved thereon.Any natural or legal person who was the owner of any imagescontained therein, may credit it via email to the developer,committing us to the immediate withdrawal of the image afterverification, if necessary, ownership of the image protected.
Quotes: Success & Motivation 1.0
If you are feeling down, tired or unmotivatedand you need to raise your spirit or a shot of positive energy,download this app for free in order to motivate you! This is thebest compilation of motivational quotes for every situation thatyou have to face in life, either at work, or in your personal life,and both your relationship with friends and your partner.Features:• The most positive motivational quotes, positive thinking,self-improvement, personal growth, cheer up quotes and evenmotivational advices and successful thinking.• It is perfect to cheer up someone who is having a bad time• Share the app with relatives and friends, coworkers or with yourpartner. They are going to love it and it will make their day. Youcan do it via Whatsapp, Twitter or Facebook or any program on yourphone.Some pictures were drawn especially for this application and holdall rights reserved. We have also used Internet images of publicdomain because they are not identified with symbols or any otherinformation which indicates the existence of reservedcopyrights.The natural or legal person who owns any of the pictures canconfirm sending an e-mail to the developer, we commit to removeinstantly said picture after having verified the property ofcopyrighted picture.NOTA LEGAL: Algunas imágenes están diseñadas especialmente paraesta aplicación y tienen los derechos reservados. Si vas a usarlaspara fines comerciales, por favor, consúltanos antes. Para otrasimágenes, hemos utilizado imágenes de dominio público de internet,ya que las mismas no se encuentran identificadas mediante símbolosni otra información que indique la existencia de derecho deexplotación reservado sobre las mismas.Cualquier persona física o jurídica que fuera propietario de algunade las imágenes contenidas en la misma, puede acreditarlo por mediode correo electrónico dirigido al desarrollador, comprometiéndonosa la inmediata retirada de dicha imagen una vez comprobada, en sucaso, la titularidad de la imagen
Happy New Year quotes 2016 15.11.12
Be the first to wish to your friends andfamily Merry Christmas and happy New Year with these beautiful andoriginal Christmas cards. Download the free application andwelcomes the holidays with your loved ones with the best collectionof phrases and statements for Christmas.We've selected more than one hundred quotes about Christmas andthe New Year to enjoy and share with anyone. Surprise your familywith these beautiful and cute Christmas to congratulate Christmas2015 and wish the best for 2016. You'll find all kinds ofcompliments from classic to original, fun and funny.You can share these phrases by Line, Facebook, Twitter, SMS orany program you have on your mobile. You can also put on yourstatus on your Myspace or Facebook. If you liked the application,vote us because it helps us to improve the application. MerryChristmas and Happy New Year !!LEGAL NOTE: The ownership entity of this application reportsthat it contains images, some of which have been obtained over theInternet. These images are all public domain, since they are notidentified by symbols or other information indicating the existenceof exploitation rights reserved thereon.Any natural or legal person who is the owner of any imagescontained therein, can credit it via email to the account of thedeveloper, committing to the immediate removal of that image afterverification, if necessary, ownership of the protected image.
Happy valentine´s day 15.2.9
Love quotes is the best compilation of quotesto make fall in love or to win that special someone’s heart. Thebest love words with beautiful pictures to surprise your partner,girlfriend or boyfriend. Download the app for free and share theseromantic love quotes. You can find quotes in two languages: Englishor Spanish.More than 100 images with love messages, pick-up lines, funny lovequotes to say “I love you” to your beloved one, to make acompliment, to make that boy or girl you fancy or your crush fallin love with you by making them laugh, or quotes just to say howyou feel and also have a little fun.The most special and romantic quotes in the world, as told byfamous writers and personalities are in this app. If you want tosurprise your partner on your anniversary, wedding anniversary,Valentine’s Day or on a special date, this is the app you’relooking for. In this app you can also find heartbreak quotes tomend a broken heart, romantic pick-up lines to flirt and classiclove quotes.Install the app for free and share it on Facebook, Twitter, textmessage or other program on your phone. If you liked the app,please rate it in order to help us improve our apps. Thankyou!We’ve drawn these images especially for this app and hold allrights reserved. If you are going to use them with commercialpurposes, ask us before, please.
Love quotes and love cards 15.05.13
An original declaration of love with thesebest selection of phrases and romantic words of love. 14 FebruaryValentine’s Day comes and we offer several options for you:• Images with love quotes and heartbreak quotes: Cute lovingmessages with romantic phrases to share.• Create cards of love: romantic background. Choose the font andcolor you want and surprise your loved one.If you are in love, this is your app. Share it with your loved oneon your anniversary or in a special occasion such as your birthdayor on Christmas’ day or any day of the year to say "I love you".The best quotes of love in English to share, pick up messages toconquer, also phrases to wish sweet dreams to your princess. Imageswith all, many hearts, roses and violet flowers, cupids and muchmore ... Long live love !!All images in this application are expressly made for her and allrights are reserved. For background images, we have used someimages in the public domain from Internet, since they are notidentified by symbols or other information indicating the existenceof exploitation rights reserved thereon. Any natural or legalperson who was the owner of any images contained therein, maycredit via email, committing us to the immediate withdrawal of theimage after verification, if necessary, the ownership of the imageprotected.For other ones, we have used images acquired by the company forexclusive use. These images are the copyright and belong to theirauthor.
Famous Quotes & Messages 1485
We've selected the best phrases in English ofwell-known writers so you can use them as your Status. Downloadthis free app of the most beautiful and inspiring quotes thateverybody loves.Images with famous quotes in English is a collection of carefullychosen quotes. In this app you'll find proverbs by philosophers,writers, thinkers and other great minds whose wise words haveinspired many people. Quotes, sayings, proverbs and otherwell-known phrases for free and in English.This application contains pictures and some of them have beenobtained through Internet. As these pictures are not identifiedwith symbols or any other information which indicates the existenceof reserved exploitation rights, they are from public domain.The natural or legal person who owns any of the pictures canconfirm it through e-mail, we commit to remove instantly saidpicture after having verified the property of copyrightedpicture.
Love Quotes – romantic phrases 15.5.3
Need inspiration to find the words? LoveQuotesfeatures the most romantic phrases, and they are just onefreedownload away!Some of these quotes are playful and funny, while others helpputunconditional love into words. This app helps you findinspirationto tell your significant other how deep your love is.This is yourchance to be cute and to impress your boyfriend orgirlfriend; yourhusband or wife… your valentine! Or you might findyourself justwanting to explore your emotions. Either way, love issomethingevery heart craves for. Somehow, this app was designedespeciallyfor you.Features:The most romantic quotes for lovebirds, selected one by one.Delightful backgrounds and fonts.Different types of contexts: flirting, declaring yourfeelings,proposing…Some famous quotes from famous and remarkable individuals.Its simple design makes it perfect for tablet.It is… FREELEGAL NOTE: All images in this application are expressly madeforher and all rights are reserved. For background images, we haveusedimages which are in the public domain from internet, sincethey arenot identified by symbols or other information indicatingtheexistence of exploitation rights reserved thereon.Any natural or legal person who was the owner of anyimagescontained therein, may credit it via email to thedeveloper,committing us to the immediate withdrawal of the imageafterverification, if necessary, ownership of the imageprotected.
Motivational Quotes Daily 1496
The best collection of positive motivationaland inspirational quotes, sayings & phrases to change mood orhelp positive thinking with personal growth to inspire you tosucceed and success! We have compiled a list of the bestmotivational quotes so you can take control of your thoughts, thinkpositively and set new goals! Positive thinking and reflectionsthat will help you keep the faith in love, faith in friendship,faith in life, faith in you and to face all kind of situations inlife. These motivational words are going to help you find themotivation you need to face your life every day and to help yourself-improvement. When you change the quality of your thinking, youchange the quality of your life, sometimes instantly. You havecomplete control over only one thing in the universe — yourthinking! You can decide what you are going to think in any givensituation. Your thoughts and feelings determine your actions anddetermine the results you get. It all starts with yourthoughts.If you are feeling down, tired or unmotivated and you need to raiseyour spirit or a shot of positive energy, download this app forfree in order to motivate you! This is the best compilation ofmotivational quotes for every situation that you have to face inlife, either at work, or in your personal life, and both yourrelationship with friends and your partner.Features:The most positive motivational quotes, positive thinking,self-improvement, personal growth, cheer up quotes and evenmotivational advices and successful thinking.It is perfect to cheer up someone who is having a bad timeShare the app with relatives and friends, coworkers or with yourpartner. They are going to love it and it will make their day. Youcan do it via Whatsapp, Twitter or Facebook or any program on yourphone.Some pictures were drawn especially for this application and holdall rights reserved. We have also used Internet images of publicdomain because they are not identified with symbols or any otherinformation which indicates the existence of reservedcopyrights.The natural or legal person who owns any of the pictures canconfirm sending an e-mail to the developer, we commit to removeinstantly said picture after having verified the property ofcopyrighted picture.
Good morning quotes & pictures 4023
Select the Good Morning sayings orcreatepostcards to morning well my darling wish toWe offer different options:• You Flans among the best Good morning and love sayingsselection.Select a language, Spanish or English. Here you can findthis: thebest quotes to say good morning to anbändeln sayings,quotesaround, I love you 'to their lovers or lover to say phrasesto maketheir boyfriend or girlfriend compliments, this boy or girl,youlove, love to make and überaschen sayings or laugh or tosimplydescribe their feelings quotes.• Creation or design cards, or postcards and surprise your friendorher friend, the boy you like, and their partners. 40wallpapers.Choose the color of the text, search the high pressure,write thetext or the love message. You can make and erase and text.Usearound her finger with her step to write.
Happy New Year Greetings 2017 4287
Bye 2016 Welcome 2017! New Year is roundthecorner, time for lots of fun and gifts. It's the time of theyearfor joy and happiness. Download and share the best ChristmasandNew Year greetings for your friends and relatives and spreadthecheer. In our application you can find the best New YearandChristmas Greeting Cards for your friends and family. If youwantto share your joy and happiness, you can use our New YearChristmasgreeting cards, look at our collection of Christmasgreetings foryour inspiration. The best and unique styles which canbe used tospread the love on Christmas day is in our freeapplication. Youcan share our free Christmas and New Year e-cardsand greetingmessages on your social media network or by e-mail. ThebestChristmas card messages are ones that you write from the heart,butsometimes even the best of us get stuck for inspiration. So,tohelp you out we offer you Christmas messages and verses.All images are designed especially for this application andarecopyrighted. If you're going to use them for commercialpurposes,please contact us before.
Good Night quotes & images 4061
Download the app and share a beautifulandlovely phrase of love every night. Surprise and exciteyourboyfriend or your girlfriend with these cute messages and wishthemsweet dreams.We have selected the best quotes to share. Downloadapplicationand send it to your true love. You will discover themost beautifulphrases to wish good night, pick-up lines, phrases tosay "I loveyou" to your loved one or beloved, to tell a complimentto yourboyfriend or girlfriend, love that girl or guy that you likesosurprise you or make you laugh, or phrases just to tell him howyoufeel.All images have been acquired by the company for exclusiveuse.These images have the copyright and belong to their author.